How it works?


Add your Listing for Free

Simply select click the Orange button “Add your Business For Free” located at the top. Select “Create a free account” enter a user name (advise a short version of your company name), your email address, and a password. Click “Register” You are now registered. It’s that simple. Please note: We only approve listings from Doctors,Hospitals,Path Labs & Chemists related businesses.

You are now logged in, you will see Welcome (your_username) in the top bar.

Now select the Orange button ”Add your Business For Free”.

1) Firstly enter the category you wish you listing to appear under, you may select mutiple categories if required.

2) Give your listing a title (Normally the name of your company)

3) Enter your full address including postcode. (If you do not wish your address to appear then just type in Isle of Wight, or your town (Shanklin)

4) Enter a contact name

5) PHOTOS – Please Read – Select 5 photos you would like to appear on the site, (please ensure they are jpg, 72dpi, RGB and the optimum size is 440pix wide by 270pix tall. Click ‘Upload Image’ and select your file from your chosen location. Try to keep the files under 100K for speed.

*Please note you cannot upload portrait photos, only landscape.

6) Enter a description of what services you offer, please take your time and ensure you have all the details correct. It is an idea to prepare this in MS Word prior to uploading your listing. Please keep this under 300 words if possible. You can use HTML code.

7) Input your opening times i.e.: Mon – Fri 9am – 5pm. If this is not applicable then input “N/A”

8) Proceed to enter your mobile no, phone no, email address, website address, twitter, Facebook, google plus, leave blank if not used.

9) Enter TAGS, i.e.. if your area of practise are crime, adoptionn, cyber crime then enter key words separated by a comma example:crime, adoptionn, cyber crime etc…

10) Select your package:

Option 1) Free Listing

– This is completely free of charge, the free listing will list all the details you input above.

Option 2) Premium Listing (Optional)

– Your listing will appear in a Blue Box and will have a Flash in the corner saying Premium. Your listing will stand out. The yearly cost for a Premium listing is 500 rs. plus VAT. Payments are made through Pay Pal, via your account or by using a Credit/Debit card.

Option 3) Feature your Listing on a Category Page (Optional)

– You can feature your listing on a Category page slider for 12 months, the cost for this is 800rs. per year. Payments are made through Pay Pal, via your account or by using a Credit/Debit card.

Feature your business on a Homepage Banner (Optional)

– You can feature your business on a banner on the homepage (790px x 200px), which changes each time the visitor clicks on the homepage. The cost per year for your banner to appear is 1000 rs. per month plus VAT. Payments are made through Pay Pal, via your account or by using a Credit/Debit card.

For more details clickhere…

Your listing can take up to 48 hours to be approved.


We do offer free support during business hours Mon-Fri 9am to 5pm by mail.